The Executive Dean of the Tshwane University of Technology’s Faculty of Arts and Design, Prof Nalini Moodley, cordially invites learners interested in studying in the Creative Industries to visit the TUT Arts Festival.
The Faculty of Arts and Design is all set for its sixth TUT Arts Festival, which will take place on the Arts Campus from 2 to 4 September 2024.
Building on the theme of ARTIVISM, the Festival will focus on how a creative consciousness will manufacture joy in a society that is seized with a myriad of challenges. This has implications for creatively addressing social challenges and cultivating responsible citizenship and social awareness.
Three fantastic days of non-stop activity promise to be a vibrant celebration of talent, creativity and healthy competition. We believe that your school and its learners would be an invaluable addition to the festivities.
The Festival will encompass all facets of the arts, from the design and fine art disciplines to all the performing arts.
Exhibitions, demonstrations, performances, master classes and open classes will form part of the exciting line-up
This is the ideal opportunity for prospective students interested in the creative industries to come and experience what is on offer and get first-hand information to assist them with their future career choices.
The Faculty is pleased to welcome back Sport Management within the Department of Marketing, Supply Chain and Sport Management in the Faculty of Management Sciences, following our successful collaboration last year with activities they incorporated into the Festival programme.
The TUT Arts Festival is part of the Faculty of Arts and Design's dynamic, cutting-edge teaching and learning curricula. It creates an ideal platform for students to put their knowledge into practice through this experiential learning opportunity, shaping future-ready graduates.
To confirm your school's participation in the TUT Arts Festival or for further details, please complete the School Booking Form or email and cc
The TUT Arts Festival will be hosted on the Arts Campus, 24 Du Toit Street (corner Du Toit & Struben Streets) from Monday, 2 September to Wednesday, 4 September, between 9:00 and 16:00 daily.
Bookings are essential. No access without confirmation. Interested schools are welcome to contact us for more information or complete the School Reservation Form and email it to and cc by 23 August 2024.