The Tshwane University of Technology’s Department of Performing Arts (Dance) will present Uncovering: A journey of memory and resistance, a dance theatre site-specific project that will unfold over the 16 days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) from 25 November to 10 December on the TUT Arts Campus.

Uncovering uses clothing as a powerful symbol of memory, vulnerability and resistance to GBV.
Clothing is problematised as a construct that is often central in discussions about GBV, with notions such as “What was she wearing…” Each performance, placed strategically across the campus, invites viewers to engage with the embodied narrative of aspects of GBV, culminating in a final, collective reveal.
Each live performance presents an intimate moment, exploring the journey of individuals affected by GBV. Moments reflect stages of resilience, strength and release, using gestures that convey protection, reclaiming and vulnerability.
The audience will also have the opportunity to get involved by leaving messages, sharing brief thoughts, or hanging symbolic items in solidarity at the Reflection Wall.
Uncovering: A journey of memory and resistance is curated by Dr Nicola Haskins and Dr Karina Lemmer from the Department of Performing Arts.
The production is affiliated with the Research Niche Area: Artivism as a tool to combat Gender-Based Violence(s).
It will be performed on 29 November at 11:00, starting the journey at the Creative Box, TUT Arts Campus.
For more information, please contact